Woods Boss(Felisa)
Ken Employer(Christie)
Wendy Wood’s wife (Jennifer)
Biko Main character (Topaz)
Ntsiki Biko’s wife (Emily)
Dr. Manphela Doctor (Malee)
1. dispatch [dɪˋspætʃ] 派遣
the sending off of a messenger.
2. refusal [rɪˋfjuzl] 取捨權
priority in refusing or taking something.
3. raid on [red ɑn] 搜捕
a sudden assault or attack, as upon something to be seized or suppressed.
4. township [ˋtaʊnʃɪp] 城鎮
a unit of local government, usually a subdivision of a country.
a bundle of
[ə ˋbʌnd! ɑv] 大量
Various, great amount
6. wrecked [ˋrɛkt] 遇難
any building, structure, or thing reduced to a state of ruin.
7. Whip [hwɪp] 抽打
to beat with a strap, lash, rod,
or the like, especially by way of
punishment or chastisement
8. Bulldozer [ˋbʊl͵dozɚ] 推土機
a large, powerful tractor having
a vertical blade at the front end
for moving earth, tree stumps,
rocks, etc.
9. Editorial [͵ɛdəˋtɔrɪəl] 社論
an article in a newspaper or
other periodical presenting the
opinion of the publisher, editor, or
10. Brutality [bruˋtælətɪ] 殘忍的
the quality of being brutal;
cruelty; savagery.
11. Glance [glæns] 一瞥
to look quickly or briefly
12. Rubbish [ˋrʌbɪʃ] 廢話(英式)
worthless, unwanted material
that is rejected or thrown out;
debris; litter; trash.
13. Prejudice [ˋprɛdʒədɪs] 歧視
an unfavorable opinion or
feeling formed beforehand or
without knowledge, thought,
or reason.
14. Acacia [ə£¿keʃə] 阿拉伯膠樹
15. Minder [ˋmaɪndɚ] 看守者
a person who looks after
something (usually used in
16. Partition [pɑrˋtɪʃən] 分解物
a division into or distribution in
portions or shares.
17. Mercede 賓士
18. Queue [kju] 排隊
a file or line, especially of people
waiting their turn.
19. Inadequate [ɪn£¿ædəkwɪt] 不充分的
not adequate or sufficient; inept or
20. Enquired [ɪn£¿kwaɪr] 詢問 查詢
Inquire, to seek information by
questioning; ask
Donald Woods -- editor of the Daily Dispatch
Ken came to his office and showed him some pictures.
Pictures were about the police raid on crossroads.
Ken told Woods that those pictures were from a young man named Biko.
Woods decided to use the photos.
A woman called Dr. Manphela came to see him.
Woods decided to find out Biko.
Woods realized who the woman is.
Story map
Do you think Woods support or against the ”black”?
What does “Black consciousness” mean?
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